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ClustrMaps on WordPress.com

ClustrMaps HTML installation instructions for WordPress.com users

QUICK SUMMARY (details below):

  • copy the ‘ClustrMaps HTML’ provided by us;
  • log in to your WordPress account;
  • go to Dashboard… Design… Widgets… Text… Add…
  • select edit…, paste the ‘ClustrMaps HTML’ into the large text area, then change… save changes

For convenience, we repeat steps 1-4 of the main instructions on the HTML setup page, and add more specific instructions for this case using the sub-steps shown at step 5 below.

PHASE I: Copy your ClustrMaps HTML code

1. If you used a ‘Create yours’ instant-registration-setup as provided on the home page at www.clustrmaps.com, you should already have your HTML code displayed, and you can just jump to step 3. If not, log in to your ClustrMaps ‘Admin’ page by clicking on the Admin link at the top of any ClustrMaps page, or going directly to: http://www.clustrmaps.com/admin/action.php (use your URL as your username, and the password you have been sent, or the password you changed it to)

2. On your admin page, you will see a box containing the relevant HTML code. Click in the box with your mouse and select ALL of that text (you can use the two keyboard keys CTRL+A to select all of it)

3. Now copy that HTML (you can use the two keyboard keys CTRL+C to perform this, or right-click with the mouse and select ‘Copy’); you will then paste it into your web page later on below.

PHASE II: Blog-specific alterations (hosted blog)

4. Now you must log into your WordPress account, using the sequence you would normally use, say, if you were about to change your blog settings or preferences or user profile information. Do this in a separate browser window if possible, or in the same window you are currently using if that is simpler for you.

5. You now need to alter the ‘code’ on your page where the map is going to appear. To do this, follow the specific sequence for this type of blog as specified immediately below:

a) Bring up the ‘dashboard’ (all those WordPress menu items), and at the top go through the following sequence (continues beneath the image):

b) click on the following sequence of menus and tabs:




c) from the list of ‘Available widgets’, find one labelled ‘Text’ and click ‘Add’ right next to it.

d) now you should see a brand new Text box shown (normally on the right side of the page under a heading called Current Widgets), with a small link labelled ‘Edit’ in the lower right corner of that box (see figure below)

e) click on ‘Edit’ and the box will expand to include a title bar and a main text area… in the title bar (top part) you can give it a title such as: Visitors to this site

f) click in the main box, and use the CTRL+V keys to paste what you earlier copied at step 3, or right-click with the mouse and select ‘Paste’

g) conclude the editing session by clicking on the button labelled [change] in the lower left of the editing area, which will close this widget

h) click on [Save changes] (lower right hand side of the screen)